Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Black Comedy Kicks Off Newport Playgoers 86th Season

A man who's convinced his shopping trolley is a dog called Rover and a wellie-wearing cook who bakes almondless almond cakes are among the crazy characters in the hilarious black comedy that launches the new season of plays by Newport Playgoers Society next week.

‘One O’clock from the House’, written by local favourite, Frank Vickery, launches Playgoers’ 86th season at Newport’s Dolman Theatre.

The action revolves around the funeral of an elderly father - not usually an occasion for hilarity, but this is a play about a distinctly dysfunctional family. An amazing array of crazy characters - including a woman who's a happy inmate of a psychiatric home – turn up to make the proceedings very lively. Add to this a posthumous joke played by Father on his daughters and the fact that it is not exactly what might be termed a close-knit family, and the scene is set for a scorching comedy of personalities and situations.

Theatre-goers can use the newly revamped Kingsway car park where they can benefit from well lit, manned and secure parking for a fee of only £1 per evening performance – look for the Orange Zone which is specially designated for Dolman theatre-goers.

‘One O’clock from the House’ by Frank Vickery is at the Dolman Theatre from 15 - 19 September at 7.15pm with an extra matinee performance on the Saturday at 2.30pm. For tickets ring the Dolman Theatre box office on 01633 263670 or 01633 656757. For information about joining Newport Playgoers Society phone or visit our website