Tuesday 25 August 2009

Text and Drive Crash Video is Worldwide YouTube Hit

A graphically realistic car crash video about the dangers of texting while driving, which has been produced and directed by a lecturer, students and graduates of the International Film School Wales, is scoring more hits on YouTube than scenes from the new movie by ‘Titanic’ director James Cameron.

The video, ‘Cow’, made by award-winning Documentary Film-Making Lecturer Peter Watkins-Hughes in conjunction with Gwent Police and Tredegar Comprehensive School, has quickly become an international viral sensation with over a million hits.

The 30-minute video tells the story of fictional character Cassie Cowen, ‘Cow’ to her friends, whose life is changed forever after her friends are killed in a horrific crash caused because she sends a text message whilst driving. Since the film had its premiere in June, it has attracted attention from the BBC and it is hoped the film will become part of the core schools programme across Wales and the UK.
“We have been stunned by the coverage the video has gained – it’s a genuine internet phenomenon,” said Peter who originally poster a clip from the film on YouTube to share with a friend at the BBC.

“The idea for the film, which is based on one I made about joy-riding fourteen years, came from students at Tredegar Comprehensive School. Gwent Police then commissioned me to make it to be shown in schools around Wales.

“I engaged students and graduates from the Documentary Film-0making degree course at the University of Wales, Newport to work on the ambitious 30-minute drama which focuses not only on the crash itself but its emotional aftermath within the families and the wider local community.”

The film was enhanced with computer technology to depict second-by-second a multiple car highway accident to emphasise the message of what can happen when drivers are distracted from the road by a texting conversation.
To view the clip on YouTube go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I54mlK0kVw

For details of all film-making and all other courses at the University of Wales, Newport contact the University Information Centre on 01633 432432 or visit http://www.newport.ac.uk/.

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